Wednesday, February 24, 2010


1. Explain the aims of finance function.(6/17)
2. Explain participating & non-participating preference shares.(1/17)
3. Discuss the various objectives of financial management?
Evaluate the merits & demerits of alternative goals (9/17)
4. Discuss the importance of debenture finance.(1/17)
5. Discuss the functional areas of financial management.(2/17)
6. Explain the scope of finance function. (4/17)
7. What is wealth maximization?(2/17)
8. Discuss bank finance as a source of short term finance. (1/17)
9. Evaluate the merits& demerits of debentures as a source of long term
finance. (2/17)
10. Discuss the various sources of short term finance for manufacturing company.
11. What are all the sources of ST financing. (8/17)
12. What are all the sources of LT financing. (10/17)
13. Define FM. Explain the function of FM. (1/17)
14. Distinguish between debentures & shares. (2/17)
15. Explain the importance of FM. (3/17)
16. What are the merits & demerits of bank credit? (1/17)
17. Explain the three famous ‘A’s of FM. (1/17)
18. Discuss the salient features of modern approaches to FM. (2/17)
19. State the role of the financial manager & explain his function in an
organization. (3/17)
20. Explain the features of debentures as a source of finance. (1/17)
21. Why profit maximization is criticized & wealth maximization is recommended.
In what respect, the wealth maximisation is considered a superior
to profit maximization objective? (or)
Discuss the various objectives of financial mgt. (or)
Evaluate the merits & demerits of alternative goals. (Or)
What is wealth & profit maximisation? (1/17)
22. Explain the characteristics of equity shares. (1/17)
23. What is profit maximisation? (1/17)
24. Explain the relationship between FM & other areas of mgt. (1/17)
25. What are the significant features of equity shares? (1/17)
26. What do you understand by financial decisions? Discuss the major financial
decisions. (1/17)
27. Explain the important sources of internal financing. (1/17)
28. What are the merits of ploughing back of profit? (3/17)

1. What are the components of cost of capital? (3/17)
2. Explain the difference classification of cost capital? (3/17)
3. Explain the significance of the cost of capital. (7/17)
4. What are the factors (or) problems in determinants of cost of capital?(4/17)
5. Explain the different classification of cost. (1/17)
6. How will you calculate weighted average cost of capital? (3/17)
7. What is mean by cost of capital? How would you measure the cost of
debenture capital? (1/17)
8. Explain how the cost of equity, cost of retained earnings and
cost of preference share capital can be calculated? (10/17)
9. What are the major instruments of debt capital? Why do companies use
debt capital? What are the limitations on it? (2/17)
10. Define cost of capital. Why it is considered as important? (1/17)
11. What are the limitations of trading on equity? (1/17)
12. What is leverage? Explains the different types of leverage. (1/17)

1. Explain the NI approach to capital system. (4/17)
2. Write the mm approach in cs. (5/17)
3. Explain the factors that are usual considered in shaping of
dividend policies. (9/17)
4. Explain the layout of optimal capital structure. (7/17)
5. Explain the relevance & irrelevance theories on dividend. (1/17)
6. Explain the factors in theories the capital structure of a company. (14/17)
7. What are the different types of dividend policies? (5/17)
8. Distinguish between stock dividend & cash dividend. (2/17)
9. State the essential of an appropriate capital structure. (1/17)
10. Explain the mm theory of dividend. (1/17)
11. Explain the EBIT-EPS analysis. (1/17)
12. Explain the form of pattern of CS? (1/17)
13. Explain stable dividend policy. (2/17)
14. Explain the drawbacks of overcapitalisam. (1/17)
15. Explain the various forms of dividend? (4/17)
16. What are the reasons for change in capitalism? (2/17)

1. What is working capital and concepts of working capital? (4/17)
2. What factors are taken into account before granting credit to customers?
3. What are the determinants of working capital requirement of a firm? (7/17)
4. What is receivable management why it is considered important and
what are costs involved in maintain receivables? (1/17)
5. What are the motives of holding cash? (4/17)
6. What factors determine the size of receivable in a firm? (6/17)
7. Explain the importance of adequate working capital? (4/17)
8. What factors will you keep in mind for investing surplus cash? (1/17)
9. State the difference types of capital? (2/17)
10. What are the objectives of cash management? (2/17)
11. Explain the basic problems involved in cash management? (2/17)
12. Explain the various sources of working capital? (1/17)
13. Mention the costs and benefits of credit extension? (1/17)
14. Explain credit policies and credit terms. (2/17)
15. Discuss the objective of receivable management. (1/17)
16. Explain the strategies for cash management. (1/17)

1. Why capital budgeting divisions are considered important? (2/17)
2. Define capital budgeting state the features of payback period and
ARR method capital budgeting. (7/17)
3. Explain any two modern capital budgeting techniques or
discuss the method adopted by financial situation in project appraisal.1/17)
4. Differentiate b/w capital NPV and IRR.Method used to capital budgeting.1/17)

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