P.K.R ARTS COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, GOBI II-M.B.A MID-SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS – JULY 2015 INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION(PROMOTION MANAGEMENT) TIME: 3 HRS MAX. MARKS: 75 ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS SECTION-A (5*6=30) 1. What are the factors influencing in promotion mix? 2. Explain the objectives of personal selling. 3. Discuss the various types of personal selling. 4. Do you think advertisement is an investment – Discuss. 5. Write detail note on “ strategy six” 6. Explain the different tactics in Negotiation 7. What are the principles of personal selling? ANSWER ANY THREE QUESTIONS SECTION-B (3*10=30) 8. Explain the various steps in communication process. 9. Critically examine the tools of promotion mix. 10. What are the various steps involved in selling process? 11. How to evaluate the personal selling? 12. Explain the different types of sales force compensation. 13. Highlight the different models of Negotiation. 14. What are the different types of CRM? CASE STUDY – COMPULSORY SECTION-C (1*15=15) 15. “Money spent on advertisement is wasteful”. Do you agree? Give reason for your answer.
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