01. Define Service. Explain the nature and characteristics of service.
02. ‘As service competition intensifies, more marketing sophistication will be needed”-
Discuss .
03. Explain the value of classification in marketing of Services.
04. Explain lucidly the relationship a service organization has with its customers.
05. Explain the various sources of communication in services marketing.
06. Identify the casual factors for the growth of service sector.
07. What do you mean by internationalization of services ?
08. Describe briefly the importance of physical evidence in service marketing.
09. Why are services heterogeneous?
10. Distinguish between product and services.
11. Discuss the application of relationship marketing with respect of different type of
12. Examine the gaps in the current service marketing and develop broad guidelines for
Resolving the gaps.
13. ‘Service customers do not switch brands frequently as compared to products’ –
14. Classify services and explain various levels of customer contact in service marketing.
15. Explain the salient features of service. How it differs from goods?
16. Explain service segmentation with example.
17. How Visual Cue are important for service providers?
18. Discuss the characteristic features of services. Explain how does marketing of
Services differ from that of consumer goods.
19. Discuss the basis of market segmentation for service organizations. Also explain the
Factors influencing the selection of best basis of segmentation.
20. Explain the service marketing triangle.
21.Describe the important categories of services.
22. Write a note on the classification of services.
23. Differentiate between services and goods.
24. Explain the important features of services and their marketing implications.
25. Examine the factors contributing to the fast growth of the service sector.
26. What do you understand by services marketing? Cite with suitable examples.
27. Examine the relationship between marketing and services markeing.
28. Describe the nature and characteristics of a service marketing.
29. Service marketing often involves tangiblizing the intangible. Provide some examples
In support of the above statement.
30. Why consumers of services tend to be more brand loyal? Explain.
31. Why do personal sources of information tend to be more important for consumers of
32. Discuss the characteristics of successful guarantees.
33. How is technology changing the nature of service?
34. What is the impact of service guarantee on the perceived risk customers experience in
Purchasing services?
35. “Marketing is a vital function in both profit and non-profit organizations” – Discuss.
36. What are the characteristics of services.
37. What is service? Describe the concept of service marketing strategy.
38. Describe the service marketing triangle.
39. Give a brief account of the classification of services.
40. What are the important challenges of service marketing in India?
41. Explain the distinguishing features of services and their marketing implications.
01. Define positioning. Explain the importance of positioning maps in services
02. Explain the importance of managing the customer mix in services marketing.
03. Delineate the major differences in marketing strategies of firms producing goods and
Firms producing services.
04. Explain the contributing factors for the development of service sector in India.
05. How do you explain the concept of market leadership through internet?
06. How process and service delivery are important for service providers?
07. Why do you consider people as another dimension in services marketing mix?
08. Why is it necessary to monitor and measure customer satisfaction?
09. What are the main elements of promotional mix in the context of services marketing?
10. Explain the process of service recovery. How service recovery helps in achieving the
Zero defection?
11. What is service positioning? What are the steps involved in it? Explain.
12. Write a short notes on “Consumer Behaviour in Services”.
13. How will you measure service quality?
14. Narrate the services marketing mix and complete service concept for an event
management company in India.
15. Explain Direct and Franchising mode of distribution in services marketing.
16. Discuss the problems associated with developing competitive differentiation in
17. Discuss the different positioning options available for a theme park, based at
18. Explain the importance and problems of maintaining quality and consistency in
19. Give a brief account of differentiation and positioning in service marketing.
20. Explain the service marketing mix.
21. Define promotional mix. Design a promotional strategy for service industry
22. What is customer care? How do you ensure quality service in Railways?
23. What are the factors that have to be considered in designing a service?
24. Describe the service delivery process.
25. What are the factors that influence customer expectations?
26. Discuss the distraction between zero-defects and Zero defections.
27. List out the components of a service quality information system.
28. Why is the distribution method particularly important in services marketing?
29. What are factors which influence the pricing for services industry? Explain with
30. With reference to services, what is meant by expanded marketing mix?
31. What is positioning? Give a brief account of service positioning strategy.
32. Examine the issue of consistency of service quality.
33. Give a brief account of customer support service.
01. How do you ascertain service quality in Hotel industry?
02. Explain the process of developing service offers in tourism.
03. “ Hotel services heavily depend on the tourism marketing” – Evaluate.
04. What are the various types of supplementary services?
05. List out the need for tourism.
06. Elucidate emerging strategies in tourism marketing.
07. Substantiate Governments policy in tourism development.
08. An Airlines Corporation based at Chennai would like to emphasis on relationship marketing approach. Give suitable suggestions.\
09. Explain about medical tourism.
10. What are the factors to be considered while fixing the price of Air travel?
11. As a marketing consultant, suggest how do you promote tourism industry in developing country like India.
12. What are the salient features of the Tourism product?
13. Describe Typology or type of hotels.
14. Discuss the use of employee uniforms as physical evidence.
15. How can the target by segmented for a hotel industry?
16. What do you understand by Tourism Marketing? Name the different types of users of tourism services.
17. What do you mean by market segmentation? Explain the significance of segmentation in the rail transport services.
18. What are the factors governing demand and supply of the tourism product?
19. Define Hospital. Explain its different types.
20. Discuss the formulation of marketing mix for the hotel industry.
21. State the tourism product and describe its salient features.
22. What are the ways of segmenting the market, by railways?
23. Write a note on the marketing management of road transportation services.
24. Give a brief account of marketing mix for tourism.
01. Define financial services.Comment on the technological development in marketing financial products in India.
02. Explain how globalization helped to promote the customer care services of insurance and banking services.
03. What is mutual fund?Explain how mutual fund companies differentiate the product offering.
04. Discuss the growth of insurance sector in India.
05. Analyse the online consumer behaviour toward financial products in India.
06. Design a suitable marketing strategy to bank, introducing a brand new saving scheme to school children.
07. Explain factoring. Elucidate the concept of “factoring”. Discuss its merits and demerits.
08. Examine the impact of mutual fund in finance industry of India.
09. Discuss the origin and development of banking industry in the Indian context. Examine the role of banking service in rural segment.
10. Explain the application of marketing mix in banking service.
11. What is the pricing policy significance in the Insurance services?
12. Discuss how insurance companies make their services more easily understood.
13. What is insurance marketing? Explain its present position and future prospects in the
Indian environment.
14. How banking services segment the market?
15. Write a descriptive note on Insurance marketing in Indian environment.
16. Examine the salient features of leasing.
17. Examine the emerging trends in the financial services market in India.
01. Explain the significance of pricing strategy for a mobile service provider.
02. Narrate the salient features of professional services in India.
03. Discuss the basis on which the non-profit organization can be classified. Explain with examples.
04. Design a promotion mix to promote the services offered by a consultancy firm focusing on mid-size organisations.
05. Explain the marketing planning process in relation to educational services.
06. Describe the role of charities in offering service to the society.
07. Educational service plays vital role in shaping the society. Do you agree or disagree?
substantiate your stand.
08. What strategy is more emphasized in the marketing of a course in an university?
09. What is the Television industry (Entertainment industry) do specifically to address the issue of tangibility of their services?
10. Examine the important challenges of entertainment marketing in India.
11. How would you segment the market for primary education?
Monday, March 1, 2010
mba-financial management
P.K.R. Arts College for Women, Gobi.
Department of Management Studies
I-MBA - Financial Management-Question Bank.
UNIT – 1
1. What are the sources of long term finance?
2. Explain the components of Indian Financial System.
3. What are the regulations of SEBI regarding public issues?
4. What are the functions of modern finance manager?
5. How the objective of profit Maximisation is achieved by Finance Managers?
6. What is the regulatory framework governing the Indian Financial System?
7. Define the scope of financial management. What are the basic financial decisions?
8. Briefly explain the role of financial management in the organization.
9. Briefly explain the role of SEBI in capital issues.
10.Describe the major components involved in profit maximization.
11.State the role SEBI in capital issues.
12.What are the SEBI guidelines relating to issue of shares by existing companies?
13. Explain the wealth maximization concept in financial management.
14. Explain the features of any one innovative instrument of long term finance.
15. What are the functions of SEBI?
16. Explain the changing role of the finance manager in a firm.
17. Critically evaluate the capital market development in the recent few years.
18. What are the basic financial decisions? How do they involve risk-return trade-off?
19. Discuss the problems of a Finance Manager in the Management of finance functions in the Indian
20. ”The profit maximization is not an operationally feasible criterion.” Do you agree? Illustrate your
21. Explain the legal framework associated with financial management.
22. Why is analysis of risk-return relationship important in finance decision? Explain risk and return in
relation to inventory decision.
23. Explain the guidelines of SEBI for capital issue.
24. Explain the objectives and functions of financial management.
25. Discuss the features of capital market development in India.
26. Briefly explain what is meant by the risk-return trade-off?
1. What are the areas of conflicts in capital budgeting between NPV and IRR?
2. “The average accounting rate of return fails to give weight to the later cash flows”-Comment on the statement.
3. Explain the nature and concept of capital budgeting.
4. What is meant by IRR?
5. How will you incorporate risk in capital budgeting?
6. Under what circumstances is profitability index superior to NPV? Give an example.
7. How in IRR different from ROI? Give a example.
8. What is meant by capital rationing? Give a example.
9. What is Capital budgeting? Why is it significant?
10. Despite its weaknesses, the payback period method is popular in practice. What are the reasons for its popularity?
11. What are the factors to be considered in capital budgeting decision?
12. What is capital rationing? Why and how it is practiced?
13. Explain the various methods of capital budgeting.
14. What are the merits and demerits of Internal rate of return method?
15. Explain the principal stages involved in the investment appraisal process.
1. How will you calculate the cost of equity capital?
2. How leverage concepts are used in Financial Management?
3. What is an EBIT and EPS analysis?
4. What is the relevance of cost of capital in the corporate investment and financing decisions?
5. What are the different types of leverages?
6. Explain how cost of capital is to be computed for retained earnings.
7. Define cost of capital. Explain its significance in financial decision making.
8. Does financial leverage always increase the earnings per share? Illustrate your answer.
9. What is meant by the concept ‘finance risk’? What is the relationship between leverage and the
cost of capital?
10. Does financial leverage always increase earnings per share? Illustrate your answer.
11. Explain the importance of weighted average cost of capital.
12. Define cost of capital and state importance.
13. Explain the Net operating income approach to capital structure.
14. What are the limitations of using the WACC as a discount rate in investment appraisal?
1. What are the assumptions used on NI approach?
2. What are the different types of dividend policy?
3. Explain net operating income of capital structure theories.
4. Discuss the CAPM theory with its assumptions.
5. Explain NOI approach of capital structure theory.
6. ”The M-M approach is based on unrealistic assumptions”-Evaluate the reality of the assumptions
made by M-M.
7. Explain the nature of the factors which influence the dividend of a firm.
8. What do you understand by Capital structure of a corporation? Discuss the qualities which a sound
capital structure should possess.
9. Explain the assumptions of Net operation income approach.
10. Discuss the guiding principles of capital structure decisions.
11.Explain the factors that determine the capital structure of a firm.
12.Why should a company aim at a balance capital structure?
13.Explain how the Net income approach different from the Net Operating income approach to capital
14. Under what circumstances will issue bonus shares be a better alternative to declaring dividend?
15. What are the assumptions which underline Gardon’s model of dividend effect? Does dividend
policy affect the value of the firm under Gardon’s model?
16. Is there an ideal capital structure? If so, how do firms achieve it?
17.How does dividend policy affect share valuation?
18.Critivcally examine the MM theory on capital structure. What are the assumptions behind this
1 Draw an operating cycle of working capital for a manufacturing firm.
2. What are the major recommendations of Tandon Committee?
3. What are the factors that determine the working capital of a paper mill?
4. Explain the modern inventory control techniques.
5. Explain the steps involved in investing in inventories. Illustrate with an example.
6. Explain the concept of “working capital flow”, giving examples of transactions that affect working
capital and that do not affect working capital.
7. What are the components of working capital
8. Explain the motives for holding cash.
9. Explain how working capital management policies affect the profitability, liquidity and structural
10. Explain the liquidity profitability trade off in reivables.
11. What is a cash budget? How is it useful for Cash Management?
12. What factors are to be considered which evolving the accounts management policy.
13. Explain the procedure of estimating the working capital requirements of a car manufacturer.
14. Explain the concept pf “working capital flow”, giving examples of transactions that affect working
capital and that do not affect working capital.
15. ”The main objective of inventory management is to minimise cash outlays for inventories” –
16. What methods do you suggest for estimating working capital needs? Illustrate your answer.
17. How should working capital and sunk cost be treated in analyzing investment opportunities
Explain with suitable examples.
18. Explain requirements for effective liquidity management.
19. What are the advantages of a stable dividing policy?
20. Explain the importance of inventory management.
21. Explain how you forecast the working capital needs for a firm.
22. What do you understand by the term working capital?
23. How can outsourcing contribute to effective working capital management?
Department of Management Studies
I-MBA - Financial Management-Question Bank.
UNIT – 1
1. What are the sources of long term finance?
2. Explain the components of Indian Financial System.
3. What are the regulations of SEBI regarding public issues?
4. What are the functions of modern finance manager?
5. How the objective of profit Maximisation is achieved by Finance Managers?
6. What is the regulatory framework governing the Indian Financial System?
7. Define the scope of financial management. What are the basic financial decisions?
8. Briefly explain the role of financial management in the organization.
9. Briefly explain the role of SEBI in capital issues.
10.Describe the major components involved in profit maximization.
11.State the role SEBI in capital issues.
12.What are the SEBI guidelines relating to issue of shares by existing companies?
13. Explain the wealth maximization concept in financial management.
14. Explain the features of any one innovative instrument of long term finance.
15. What are the functions of SEBI?
16. Explain the changing role of the finance manager in a firm.
17. Critically evaluate the capital market development in the recent few years.
18. What are the basic financial decisions? How do they involve risk-return trade-off?
19. Discuss the problems of a Finance Manager in the Management of finance functions in the Indian
20. ”The profit maximization is not an operationally feasible criterion.” Do you agree? Illustrate your
21. Explain the legal framework associated with financial management.
22. Why is analysis of risk-return relationship important in finance decision? Explain risk and return in
relation to inventory decision.
23. Explain the guidelines of SEBI for capital issue.
24. Explain the objectives and functions of financial management.
25. Discuss the features of capital market development in India.
26. Briefly explain what is meant by the risk-return trade-off?
1. What are the areas of conflicts in capital budgeting between NPV and IRR?
2. “The average accounting rate of return fails to give weight to the later cash flows”-Comment on the statement.
3. Explain the nature and concept of capital budgeting.
4. What is meant by IRR?
5. How will you incorporate risk in capital budgeting?
6. Under what circumstances is profitability index superior to NPV? Give an example.
7. How in IRR different from ROI? Give a example.
8. What is meant by capital rationing? Give a example.
9. What is Capital budgeting? Why is it significant?
10. Despite its weaknesses, the payback period method is popular in practice. What are the reasons for its popularity?
11. What are the factors to be considered in capital budgeting decision?
12. What is capital rationing? Why and how it is practiced?
13. Explain the various methods of capital budgeting.
14. What are the merits and demerits of Internal rate of return method?
15. Explain the principal stages involved in the investment appraisal process.
1. How will you calculate the cost of equity capital?
2. How leverage concepts are used in Financial Management?
3. What is an EBIT and EPS analysis?
4. What is the relevance of cost of capital in the corporate investment and financing decisions?
5. What are the different types of leverages?
6. Explain how cost of capital is to be computed for retained earnings.
7. Define cost of capital. Explain its significance in financial decision making.
8. Does financial leverage always increase the earnings per share? Illustrate your answer.
9. What is meant by the concept ‘finance risk’? What is the relationship between leverage and the
cost of capital?
10. Does financial leverage always increase earnings per share? Illustrate your answer.
11. Explain the importance of weighted average cost of capital.
12. Define cost of capital and state importance.
13. Explain the Net operating income approach to capital structure.
14. What are the limitations of using the WACC as a discount rate in investment appraisal?
1. What are the assumptions used on NI approach?
2. What are the different types of dividend policy?
3. Explain net operating income of capital structure theories.
4. Discuss the CAPM theory with its assumptions.
5. Explain NOI approach of capital structure theory.
6. ”The M-M approach is based on unrealistic assumptions”-Evaluate the reality of the assumptions
made by M-M.
7. Explain the nature of the factors which influence the dividend of a firm.
8. What do you understand by Capital structure of a corporation? Discuss the qualities which a sound
capital structure should possess.
9. Explain the assumptions of Net operation income approach.
10. Discuss the guiding principles of capital structure decisions.
11.Explain the factors that determine the capital structure of a firm.
12.Why should a company aim at a balance capital structure?
13.Explain how the Net income approach different from the Net Operating income approach to capital
14. Under what circumstances will issue bonus shares be a better alternative to declaring dividend?
15. What are the assumptions which underline Gardon’s model of dividend effect? Does dividend
policy affect the value of the firm under Gardon’s model?
16. Is there an ideal capital structure? If so, how do firms achieve it?
17.How does dividend policy affect share valuation?
18.Critivcally examine the MM theory on capital structure. What are the assumptions behind this
1 Draw an operating cycle of working capital for a manufacturing firm.
2. What are the major recommendations of Tandon Committee?
3. What are the factors that determine the working capital of a paper mill?
4. Explain the modern inventory control techniques.
5. Explain the steps involved in investing in inventories. Illustrate with an example.
6. Explain the concept of “working capital flow”, giving examples of transactions that affect working
capital and that do not affect working capital.
7. What are the components of working capital
8. Explain the motives for holding cash.
9. Explain how working capital management policies affect the profitability, liquidity and structural
10. Explain the liquidity profitability trade off in reivables.
11. What is a cash budget? How is it useful for Cash Management?
12. What factors are to be considered which evolving the accounts management policy.
13. Explain the procedure of estimating the working capital requirements of a car manufacturer.
14. Explain the concept pf “working capital flow”, giving examples of transactions that affect working
capital and that do not affect working capital.
15. ”The main objective of inventory management is to minimise cash outlays for inventories” –
16. What methods do you suggest for estimating working capital needs? Illustrate your answer.
17. How should working capital and sunk cost be treated in analyzing investment opportunities
Explain with suitable examples.
18. Explain requirements for effective liquidity management.
19. What are the advantages of a stable dividing policy?
20. Explain the importance of inventory management.
21. Explain how you forecast the working capital needs for a firm.
22. What do you understand by the term working capital?
23. How can outsourcing contribute to effective working capital management?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
1. Explain the aims of finance function.(6/17)
2. Explain participating & non-participating preference shares.(1/17)
3. Discuss the various objectives of financial management?
Evaluate the merits & demerits of alternative goals (9/17)
4. Discuss the importance of debenture finance.(1/17)
5. Discuss the functional areas of financial management.(2/17)
6. Explain the scope of finance function. (4/17)
7. What is wealth maximization?(2/17)
8. Discuss bank finance as a source of short term finance. (1/17)
9. Evaluate the merits& demerits of debentures as a source of long term
finance. (2/17)
10. Discuss the various sources of short term finance for manufacturing company.
11. What are all the sources of ST financing. (8/17)
12. What are all the sources of LT financing. (10/17)
13. Define FM. Explain the function of FM. (1/17)
14. Distinguish between debentures & shares. (2/17)
15. Explain the importance of FM. (3/17)
16. What are the merits & demerits of bank credit? (1/17)
17. Explain the three famous ‘A’s of FM. (1/17)
18. Discuss the salient features of modern approaches to FM. (2/17)
19. State the role of the financial manager & explain his function in an
organization. (3/17)
20. Explain the features of debentures as a source of finance. (1/17)
21. Why profit maximization is criticized & wealth maximization is recommended.
In what respect, the wealth maximisation is considered a superior
to profit maximization objective? (or)
Discuss the various objectives of financial mgt. (or)
Evaluate the merits & demerits of alternative goals. (Or)
What is wealth & profit maximisation? (1/17)
22. Explain the characteristics of equity shares. (1/17)
23. What is profit maximisation? (1/17)
24. Explain the relationship between FM & other areas of mgt. (1/17)
25. What are the significant features of equity shares? (1/17)
26. What do you understand by financial decisions? Discuss the major financial
decisions. (1/17)
27. Explain the important sources of internal financing. (1/17)
28. What are the merits of ploughing back of profit? (3/17)
1. What are the components of cost of capital? (3/17)
2. Explain the difference classification of cost capital? (3/17)
3. Explain the significance of the cost of capital. (7/17)
4. What are the factors (or) problems in determinants of cost of capital?(4/17)
5. Explain the different classification of cost. (1/17)
6. How will you calculate weighted average cost of capital? (3/17)
7. What is mean by cost of capital? How would you measure the cost of
debenture capital? (1/17)
8. Explain how the cost of equity, cost of retained earnings and
cost of preference share capital can be calculated? (10/17)
9. What are the major instruments of debt capital? Why do companies use
debt capital? What are the limitations on it? (2/17)
10. Define cost of capital. Why it is considered as important? (1/17)
11. What are the limitations of trading on equity? (1/17)
12. What is leverage? Explains the different types of leverage. (1/17)
1. Explain the NI approach to capital system. (4/17)
2. Write the mm approach in cs. (5/17)
3. Explain the factors that are usual considered in shaping of
dividend policies. (9/17)
4. Explain the layout of optimal capital structure. (7/17)
5. Explain the relevance & irrelevance theories on dividend. (1/17)
6. Explain the factors in theories the capital structure of a company. (14/17)
7. What are the different types of dividend policies? (5/17)
8. Distinguish between stock dividend & cash dividend. (2/17)
9. State the essential of an appropriate capital structure. (1/17)
10. Explain the mm theory of dividend. (1/17)
11. Explain the EBIT-EPS analysis. (1/17)
12. Explain the form of pattern of CS? (1/17)
13. Explain stable dividend policy. (2/17)
14. Explain the drawbacks of overcapitalisam. (1/17)
15. Explain the various forms of dividend? (4/17)
16. What are the reasons for change in capitalism? (2/17)
1. What is working capital and concepts of working capital? (4/17)
2. What factors are taken into account before granting credit to customers?
3. What are the determinants of working capital requirement of a firm? (7/17)
4. What is receivable management why it is considered important and
what are costs involved in maintain receivables? (1/17)
5. What are the motives of holding cash? (4/17)
6. What factors determine the size of receivable in a firm? (6/17)
7. Explain the importance of adequate working capital? (4/17)
8. What factors will you keep in mind for investing surplus cash? (1/17)
9. State the difference types of capital? (2/17)
10. What are the objectives of cash management? (2/17)
11. Explain the basic problems involved in cash management? (2/17)
12. Explain the various sources of working capital? (1/17)
13. Mention the costs and benefits of credit extension? (1/17)
14. Explain credit policies and credit terms. (2/17)
15. Discuss the objective of receivable management. (1/17)
16. Explain the strategies for cash management. (1/17)
1. Why capital budgeting divisions are considered important? (2/17)
2. Define capital budgeting state the features of payback period and
ARR method capital budgeting. (7/17)
3. Explain any two modern capital budgeting techniques or
discuss the method adopted by financial situation in project appraisal.1/17)
4. Differentiate b/w capital NPV and IRR.Method used to capital budgeting.1/17)
1. Explain the aims of finance function.(6/17)
2. Explain participating & non-participating preference shares.(1/17)
3. Discuss the various objectives of financial management?
Evaluate the merits & demerits of alternative goals (9/17)
4. Discuss the importance of debenture finance.(1/17)
5. Discuss the functional areas of financial management.(2/17)
6. Explain the scope of finance function. (4/17)
7. What is wealth maximization?(2/17)
8. Discuss bank finance as a source of short term finance. (1/17)
9. Evaluate the merits& demerits of debentures as a source of long term
finance. (2/17)
10. Discuss the various sources of short term finance for manufacturing company.
11. What are all the sources of ST financing. (8/17)
12. What are all the sources of LT financing. (10/17)
13. Define FM. Explain the function of FM. (1/17)
14. Distinguish between debentures & shares. (2/17)
15. Explain the importance of FM. (3/17)
16. What are the merits & demerits of bank credit? (1/17)
17. Explain the three famous ‘A’s of FM. (1/17)
18. Discuss the salient features of modern approaches to FM. (2/17)
19. State the role of the financial manager & explain his function in an
organization. (3/17)
20. Explain the features of debentures as a source of finance. (1/17)
21. Why profit maximization is criticized & wealth maximization is recommended.
In what respect, the wealth maximisation is considered a superior
to profit maximization objective? (or)
Discuss the various objectives of financial mgt. (or)
Evaluate the merits & demerits of alternative goals. (Or)
What is wealth & profit maximisation? (1/17)
22. Explain the characteristics of equity shares. (1/17)
23. What is profit maximisation? (1/17)
24. Explain the relationship between FM & other areas of mgt. (1/17)
25. What are the significant features of equity shares? (1/17)
26. What do you understand by financial decisions? Discuss the major financial
decisions. (1/17)
27. Explain the important sources of internal financing. (1/17)
28. What are the merits of ploughing back of profit? (3/17)
1. What are the components of cost of capital? (3/17)
2. Explain the difference classification of cost capital? (3/17)
3. Explain the significance of the cost of capital. (7/17)
4. What are the factors (or) problems in determinants of cost of capital?(4/17)
5. Explain the different classification of cost. (1/17)
6. How will you calculate weighted average cost of capital? (3/17)
7. What is mean by cost of capital? How would you measure the cost of
debenture capital? (1/17)
8. Explain how the cost of equity, cost of retained earnings and
cost of preference share capital can be calculated? (10/17)
9. What are the major instruments of debt capital? Why do companies use
debt capital? What are the limitations on it? (2/17)
10. Define cost of capital. Why it is considered as important? (1/17)
11. What are the limitations of trading on equity? (1/17)
12. What is leverage? Explains the different types of leverage. (1/17)
1. Explain the NI approach to capital system. (4/17)
2. Write the mm approach in cs. (5/17)
3. Explain the factors that are usual considered in shaping of
dividend policies. (9/17)
4. Explain the layout of optimal capital structure. (7/17)
5. Explain the relevance & irrelevance theories on dividend. (1/17)
6. Explain the factors in theories the capital structure of a company. (14/17)
7. What are the different types of dividend policies? (5/17)
8. Distinguish between stock dividend & cash dividend. (2/17)
9. State the essential of an appropriate capital structure. (1/17)
10. Explain the mm theory of dividend. (1/17)
11. Explain the EBIT-EPS analysis. (1/17)
12. Explain the form of pattern of CS? (1/17)
13. Explain stable dividend policy. (2/17)
14. Explain the drawbacks of overcapitalisam. (1/17)
15. Explain the various forms of dividend? (4/17)
16. What are the reasons for change in capitalism? (2/17)
1. What is working capital and concepts of working capital? (4/17)
2. What factors are taken into account before granting credit to customers?
3. What are the determinants of working capital requirement of a firm? (7/17)
4. What is receivable management why it is considered important and
what are costs involved in maintain receivables? (1/17)
5. What are the motives of holding cash? (4/17)
6. What factors determine the size of receivable in a firm? (6/17)
7. Explain the importance of adequate working capital? (4/17)
8. What factors will you keep in mind for investing surplus cash? (1/17)
9. State the difference types of capital? (2/17)
10. What are the objectives of cash management? (2/17)
11. Explain the basic problems involved in cash management? (2/17)
12. Explain the various sources of working capital? (1/17)
13. Mention the costs and benefits of credit extension? (1/17)
14. Explain credit policies and credit terms. (2/17)
15. Discuss the objective of receivable management. (1/17)
16. Explain the strategies for cash management. (1/17)
1. Why capital budgeting divisions are considered important? (2/17)
2. Define capital budgeting state the features of payback period and
ARR method capital budgeting. (7/17)
3. Explain any two modern capital budgeting techniques or
discuss the method adopted by financial situation in project appraisal.1/17)
4. Differentiate b/w capital NPV and IRR.Method used to capital budgeting.1/17)
Friday, February 5, 2010
BBM Mid-Sem Questions
TIME: 3 hrs MAX .MARKS=75
PART-A (10 *1 =10)
1) The scope of finance function is as wide as the ------of finance
2) Finance holds -------------------- to all activities
3) Finance means to arrange --------------------------for it
4) A fixed rate of --------------- is payable on debentures
5) Capital which is in short term normal liquid assets is described as -------
6) --------is an average of the cost of each source of funds employed by the firm
7) k=r + ----------+ -----------
8) Cost of capital is the -------------rate of return expected by its investors
9) Degree of financial leverage=--------------
10) A firm will have favourable leverage if its -----------are more than the debt cost
PART-B ( 5*5=25 )
11. a) Explain the aims of Finance function (or)
11.b) Distinguish between debentures and shares
12.a) Explain the Importance of financial management (or)
12.b) What is Profit maximization?
13.a) A Ltd issues Rs.1,00,000 8% debentures at a discount of 5%.The tax rate is 50%.Compute the cost
of debt Capital. (or)
13.b) B Ltd, issues Rs.1,00,000 9% debentures at a premium of 10%.The cost of floatation are 2 %.The
tax rate applicable is 60 %.compute cost of debt Capital
14.a) A Company issues 10,000 10% preference shares of Rs,100 each.Cost of issues is Rs.2 per share.
Calculate cost of preference capital if these shares are issued at a discount of 5%. (or)
14.b) A company issues 1000 7% preference shares of Rs.100 each at a premium of 10 % redeemable
after 5 years at par. compute the cost of preference capital
15.a) Explain the concept of optimal capital structure (or)
15.b) Write the MM approach on capital structure
PART-C (5*8=40)
16.a) Discuss the various objectives of financial management (or)
16.b) Explain the scope of finance function
17.a) What are all the sources of long term financing? (or)
17.b) Explain the different classification of cost of capital.
18.a) Explain the significance of the cost of capital. (or)
18.b) What are the factors in determination of cost of capital?
19.a) Explain how the cost of equity and cost of preference share capital
Can be calculated. (or)
19.b) What are the different types of dividend policies?
20.a) Explain the factors that are usual consider in shaping of dividend policy. (or)
20.b) Explain the factors influencing the capital structure of a company.
TIME: 3 hrs MAX .MARKS=75
PART-A (10 *1 =10)
1) The scope of finance function is as wide as the ------of finance
2) Finance holds -------------------- to all activities
3) Finance means to arrange --------------------------for it
4) A fixed rate of --------------- is payable on debentures
5) Capital which is in short term normal liquid assets is described as -------
6) --------is an average of the cost of each source of funds employed by the firm
7) k=r + ----------+ -----------
8) Cost of capital is the -------------rate of return expected by its investors
9) Degree of financial leverage=--------------
10) A firm will have favourable leverage if its -----------are more than the debt cost
PART-B ( 5*5=25 )
11. a) Explain the aims of Finance function (or)
11.b) Distinguish between debentures and shares
12.a) Explain the Importance of financial management (or)
12.b) What is Profit maximization?
13.a) A Ltd issues Rs.1,00,000 8% debentures at a discount of 5%.The tax rate is 50%.Compute the cost
of debt Capital. (or)
13.b) B Ltd, issues Rs.1,00,000 9% debentures at a premium of 10%.The cost of floatation are 2 %.The
tax rate applicable is 60 %.compute cost of debt Capital
14.a) A Company issues 10,000 10% preference shares of Rs,100 each.Cost of issues is Rs.2 per share.
Calculate cost of preference capital if these shares are issued at a discount of 5%. (or)
14.b) A company issues 1000 7% preference shares of Rs.100 each at a premium of 10 % redeemable
after 5 years at par. compute the cost of preference capital
15.a) Explain the concept of optimal capital structure (or)
15.b) Write the MM approach on capital structure
PART-C (5*8=40)
16.a) Discuss the various objectives of financial management (or)
16.b) Explain the scope of finance function
17.a) What are all the sources of long term financing? (or)
17.b) Explain the different classification of cost of capital.
18.a) Explain the significance of the cost of capital. (or)
18.b) What are the factors in determination of cost of capital?
19.a) Explain how the cost of equity and cost of preference share capital
Can be calculated. (or)
19.b) What are the different types of dividend policies?
20.a) Explain the factors that are usual consider in shaping of dividend policy. (or)
20.b) Explain the factors influencing the capital structure of a company.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Home About us About CSE Courses Offered Syllabus Question Paper Booklist Achievements Contact
Eligibility Conditions Minimum QualificationsHow to ApplyExaminationsAge limit
About CSE
Civil Services Examination :
The Civil Services Examination is conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) every year.
The examination has three stages i.e.,
1.) Civil Services Preliminary Examinations (CSP) - normally conducted during the second half of May.2.) Civil Services (Main) Examinations conducted during the month of October/November. Here, those who are selected in the preliminary examination only are eligible to appear.3.) Those who are selected in the main examination will be eligible to appear before the Interview Board at New Delhi.
Preliminary Examination (CSP) :
CSP consists of two papers containing a total of 450 marks: (1) Optional subject to be selected from the listed subjects for 300 marks. (2) Compulsory General Studies paper for 150 marks. Each paper is of two hours duration. The course content of the syllabi for the optional subjects is of the degree level. Normally, there are about 3 lac applications for the preliminary examination.
From this, the UPSC selects 10 to 12 folds of actual vacancies declared by UPSC for the main examinations. This examination is just a screening test - those students who qualify in this exam are given chance to appear in the Main exam but the score of this exam is not considered for final selection.Subjects for Preliminary Examination: The General Studies syllabus is same for all and its standard is that of plus-two level.Subjects for Paper II (one subject to be selected): Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Commerce, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Geography, Geology, Indian History, Law, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology.(The question papers are in Hindi and English and each paper is of two hours duration. The course content of the syllabi is of degree level. Each paper is of two hours duration. Blind candidates are allowed an extra time of 20 minutes for each paper.)
Main Exam
Only those who are declared by the Commission to have qualified in the Preliminary Examination in a year are eligible for the Main examination of that year, provided they are otherwise eligible for the Main Examination.
Civil Services Main examination has two optional subjects (two papers each carries 300 marks), one General Studies (two papers each carries 300 marks), one essay (carries 200 marks) - total 2000 marks. Other than this, there are two language papers one in Indian language and one in General English at the level of 10th standard. This is to test the ability of the candidate's proficiency in his mother tongue / Indian language and English. (Total number of papers is nine). These two papers carry 300 marks each but it is not considered for ranking. Clearing these two papers is compulsory. If a candidate fails to clear these papers, his other papers will not be evaluated. Language papers therefore are of qualifying nature only.
The Main Examination is intended to assess the overall intellectual traits and the depth of understanding of the candidates, rather than merely testing the range of their information and memory. Sufficient choice of questions is allowed in the question papers.
Optional Subjects for the Main Examination :
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Commerce and Accountancy, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Geography, Geology, History, Law, Management, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science and International Relations, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology. Each paper is of 3 hours duration.
- Literature subjects are as follows:Arabic, Assamese, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Marathi, Malayalam, Manipuri, Nepali, Oriya, Pali, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.
The following combinations are not allowed:Political Science & International Relations and Public Administration, Commerce and Management, Anthropology and Sociology, Maths and Statistics, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Science, Management and Public Administration, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science and Medical Science, Any two branches of engineering. Combination of two literature papers in the above list.
At interview stage, candidates between two to three-fold of the vacancies are called to appear before the UPSC Board. Interview carries 300 marks. Interview calls are sent on the basis of minimum marks fixed by the UPSC at its discretion. The overall ranking is done based on the Mains performance (i.e., 2000 marks) and interview. Therefore, the total marks involved in the ranking are 2300. Candidates are allotted various services keeping in view their ranks in the examination and preferences given by them in their main application form.
Note: If a person fails in either in mains or interview, he has to appear once again from the preliminary stage
Eligibility Conditions :
(i) Nationality:1) For the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service, a candidate must be a citizen of India.2) For other services, a candidate must be either: (a) A citizen of India, or(b) A subject of Nepal, or(c) A subject of Bhutan, or(d) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India. or (e) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Srilanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Provided further that candidates belonging to categories (b), (c) and (d) above will not be eligible for appointment to the Indian Foreign Service.
A candidate, in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary, may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the Government of India.
(ii) Minimum Educational Qualifications :
The candidate must hold a degree of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University Under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification.
Note I : Candidates who have appeared at an examination, the passing of which would render them educationally qualified for the Commission's examination but have not been informed of the results as also the candidates who intend to appear at such a qualifying examination will also be eligible for admission to the Preliminary Examination. All candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission for taking the Civil Services (Main) Examination will be required to produce proof of passing the requisite examination with their application for the Main Examination failing which such candidates will not be admitted to the Main Examination.
Note II : In exceptional cases the Union Public Service Commission may treat a candidate who has not any of the foregoing qualifications as a qualified candidate provided that he has passed examination conducted by the other Institutions, the standard of which in the opinion of the Commission justifies his admission to the examination.
Note III : Candidates possessing professional and technical qualifications, which are recognised by Government, as equivalent to professional and technical degree would also be eligible for admission to the examination.
Note IV : Candidates who have passed the final professional M.B.B.S. or any other Medical Examination but have not completed their internship by the time of submission of their applications for the Civil Services (Main) Examination, will be provisionally admitted to the Examination provided they submit along with their application a copy of certificate from the concerned authority of the University/Institution that they had passed the requisite final professional medical examination. In such cases, the candidates will be required to produce at the time of their interview original Degree or a certificate from the concerned competent authority of the University/Institution that they had completed all requirements (including completion of internship) for the award of the Degree.
(iii) Age limit : 21 years must be completed on 1st August of the year, which a candidate is appearing. Maximum 30 for general category, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs. Ex-servicemen will get 5 more years exemption from the prescribed age limit.(The date of birth accepted by the Commission is that entered in the Matriculation or Secondary School Leaving Certificate or in a certificate recognised by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract from a Register of Matriculates maintained by a University, which extract must be certified by the proper authority of the University or in the Higher Secondary or an equivalent examination certificate).
(iv) Number of Attempts: Four attempts for open, seven for OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs. If a person appears in the Preliminary Examination or even in one paper is counted as an attempt.
(v) Restrictions on applying for the examination: A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Foreign Service on the results of an earlier examination and continues to be a member of that service will not be eligible to compete at this examination.
How to Apply :
The UPSC has developed an application form common for all its examinations, which will be processed on computerised machines. This application form along with an Information Brochure containing general instructions for filling up the form, an acknowledgement card and an envelope for sending the application is obtainable from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices throughout the country as against cash payment of Rs. 20/- (Rupees twenty only). Form should be purchased from the designated Post Offices only and not from any other agency. This form can be used only once and for only one examination. Candidates must use the form supplied with the Information Brochure only and they should in no case use photocopy / reproduction / unauthorisedly printed copy of the Form. Since this form is electronically scannable, due care should be taken to fill up the application form, correctly. While filling up the application form, please refer to detailed instructions given in the Notice
Call :+ 91 99941 46662, +91 93671 76754
Home About us About CSE Courses Offered Book list Contact
Eligibility Conditions Minimum QualificationsHow to ApplyExaminationsAge limit
About CSE
Civil Services Examination :
The Civil Services Examination is conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) every year.
The examination has three stages i.e.,
1.) Civil Services Preliminary Examinations (CSP) - normally conducted during the second half of May.2.) Civil Services (Main) Examinations conducted during the month of October/November. Here, those who are selected in the preliminary examination only are eligible to appear.3.) Those who are selected in the main examination will be eligible to appear before the Interview Board at New Delhi.
Preliminary Examination (CSP) :
CSP consists of two papers containing a total of 450 marks: (1) Optional subject to be selected from the listed subjects for 300 marks. (2) Compulsory General Studies paper for 150 marks. Each paper is of two hours duration. The course content of the syllabi for the optional subjects is of the degree level. Normally, there are about 3 lac applications for the preliminary examination.
From this, the UPSC selects 10 to 12 folds of actual vacancies declared by UPSC for the main examinations. This examination is just a screening test - those students who qualify in this exam are given chance to appear in the Main exam but the score of this exam is not considered for final selection.Subjects for Preliminary Examination: The General Studies syllabus is same for all and its standard is that of plus-two level.Subjects for Paper II (one subject to be selected): Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Commerce, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Geography, Geology, Indian History, Law, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology.(The question papers are in Hindi and English and each paper is of two hours duration. The course content of the syllabi is of degree level. Each paper is of two hours duration. Blind candidates are allowed an extra time of 20 minutes for each paper.)
Main Exam
Only those who are declared by the Commission to have qualified in the Preliminary Examination in a year are eligible for the Main examination of that year, provided they are otherwise eligible for the Main Examination.
Civil Services Main examination has two optional subjects (two papers each carries 300 marks), one General Studies (two papers each carries 300 marks), one essay (carries 200 marks) - total 2000 marks. Other than this, there are two language papers one in Indian language and one in General English at the level of 10th standard. This is to test the ability of the candidate's proficiency in his mother tongue / Indian language and English. (Total number of papers is nine). These two papers carry 300 marks each but it is not considered for ranking. Clearing these two papers is compulsory. If a candidate fails to clear these papers, his other papers will not be evaluated. Language papers therefore are of qualifying nature only.
The Main Examination is intended to assess the overall intellectual traits and the depth of understanding of the candidates, rather than merely testing the range of their information and memory. Sufficient choice of questions is allowed in the question papers.
Optional Subjects for the Main Examination :
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Commerce and Accountancy, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Geography, Geology, History, Law, Management, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science and International Relations, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology. Each paper is of 3 hours duration.
- Literature subjects are as follows:Arabic, Assamese, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Marathi, Malayalam, Manipuri, Nepali, Oriya, Pali, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.
The following combinations are not allowed:Political Science & International Relations and Public Administration, Commerce and Management, Anthropology and Sociology, Maths and Statistics, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Science, Management and Public Administration, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science and Medical Science, Any two branches of engineering. Combination of two literature papers in the above list.
At interview stage, candidates between two to three-fold of the vacancies are called to appear before the UPSC Board. Interview carries 300 marks. Interview calls are sent on the basis of minimum marks fixed by the UPSC at its discretion. The overall ranking is done based on the Mains performance (i.e., 2000 marks) and interview. Therefore, the total marks involved in the ranking are 2300. Candidates are allotted various services keeping in view their ranks in the examination and preferences given by them in their main application form.
Note: If a person fails in either in mains or interview, he has to appear once again from the preliminary stage
Eligibility Conditions :
(i) Nationality:1) For the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service, a candidate must be a citizen of India.2) For other services, a candidate must be either: (a) A citizen of India, or(b) A subject of Nepal, or(c) A subject of Bhutan, or(d) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India. or (e) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Srilanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Provided further that candidates belonging to categories (b), (c) and (d) above will not be eligible for appointment to the Indian Foreign Service.
A candidate, in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary, may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the Government of India.
(ii) Minimum Educational Qualifications :
The candidate must hold a degree of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University Under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification.
Note I : Candidates who have appeared at an examination, the passing of which would render them educationally qualified for the Commission's examination but have not been informed of the results as also the candidates who intend to appear at such a qualifying examination will also be eligible for admission to the Preliminary Examination. All candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission for taking the Civil Services (Main) Examination will be required to produce proof of passing the requisite examination with their application for the Main Examination failing which such candidates will not be admitted to the Main Examination.
Note II : In exceptional cases the Union Public Service Commission may treat a candidate who has not any of the foregoing qualifications as a qualified candidate provided that he has passed examination conducted by the other Institutions, the standard of which in the opinion of the Commission justifies his admission to the examination.
Note III : Candidates possessing professional and technical qualifications, which are recognised by Government, as equivalent to professional and technical degree would also be eligible for admission to the examination.
Note IV : Candidates who have passed the final professional M.B.B.S. or any other Medical Examination but have not completed their internship by the time of submission of their applications for the Civil Services (Main) Examination, will be provisionally admitted to the Examination provided they submit along with their application a copy of certificate from the concerned authority of the University/Institution that they had passed the requisite final professional medical examination. In such cases, the candidates will be required to produce at the time of their interview original Degree or a certificate from the concerned competent authority of the University/Institution that they had completed all requirements (including completion of internship) for the award of the Degree.
(iii) Age limit : 21 years must be completed on 1st August of the year, which a candidate is appearing. Maximum 30 for general category, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs. Ex-servicemen will get 5 more years exemption from the prescribed age limit.(The date of birth accepted by the Commission is that entered in the Matriculation or Secondary School Leaving Certificate or in a certificate recognised by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation or in an extract from a Register of Matriculates maintained by a University, which extract must be certified by the proper authority of the University or in the Higher Secondary or an equivalent examination certificate).
(iv) Number of Attempts: Four attempts for open, seven for OBCs and no limit for SCs/STs. If a person appears in the Preliminary Examination or even in one paper is counted as an attempt.
(v) Restrictions on applying for the examination: A candidate who is appointed to the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Foreign Service on the results of an earlier examination and continues to be a member of that service will not be eligible to compete at this examination.
How to Apply :
The UPSC has developed an application form common for all its examinations, which will be processed on computerised machines. This application form along with an Information Brochure containing general instructions for filling up the form, an acknowledgement card and an envelope for sending the application is obtainable from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices throughout the country as against cash payment of Rs. 20/- (Rupees twenty only). Form should be purchased from the designated Post Offices only and not from any other agency. This form can be used only once and for only one examination. Candidates must use the form supplied with the Information Brochure only and they should in no case use photocopy / reproduction / unauthorisedly printed copy of the Form. Since this form is electronically scannable, due care should be taken to fill up the application form, correctly. While filling up the application form, please refer to detailed instructions given in the Notice
Call :+ 91 99941 46662, +91 93671 76754
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